Advanced Roadmaps custom fields
eazyBI for Jira
Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Portfolio for Jira) is available for the eazyBI for Jira Server and Data Center and eazyBI for Jira Cloud (additional configuration required; see under Jira Cloud description).
On this page:
Advanced Roadmaps for Jira custom fields import
If you use Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Portfolio), then the following additional custom field types are available in the Jira import add-on selection:
Earliest start | Advanced Roadmaps property Earliest start can be imported as measure and property. |
Original story points | Original story points can be imported as measure and property. |
Parent Link | Parent Link custom field can be imported as property. Parent Link custom field import will create a new hierarchy Portfolio in Issue dimension. Epic Link from the Jira import default tab is required to build the Portfolio hierarchy as well. In addition, the set of properties, one for each hierarchy level Issue Portfolio <level name>, will be created in the Issue Properties section. |
Target end | Target end can be imported as measure and property. |
Target start | Target start can be imported as measure and property. |
Team | Advanced Roadmaps custom field Team could be imported as dimension and property. |
Theme | Custom field Theme could be imported as a dimension and property. |
Jira Cloud
Advanced Roadmaps for Jira does not yet provide public Rest API, and therefore eazyBI cannot access all necessary information. Therefore, Advanced Roadmaps for Jira hierarchy configuration must be maintained in eazyBI advanced settings in parallel with Jira.
To enable Advanced Roadmaps data import in Jira Cloud, please add to the eazyBI advanced settings:
[jira.portfolio] enable = true
If you would like to build an Advanced roadmaps hierarchy in the Issue dimension, add the following definition for custom field Parent Link to advanced settings. The Levels and Issue Types should match the configuration in Jira Advanced Roadmaps. You can add more than one issue type in each level, starting from Epic:
[jira.customfield_NNNNN] hierarchy_levels = [ {name = "Initiative", issue_type = ["Initiative", "Programm"]}, {name = "Feature", issue_type = "Feature"}, {name = "Epic", issue_type = ["Epic", "Improvement"]}, {name = "Parent"}, {name = "Sub-task"} ]
Please use Parent Link custom field ID instead of NNNNN in the definition above.
After advanced settings are updated, the Jira custom field "Parent link" must be selected from the import options page. A New Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy will be created in the Issue dimension after the first data import since advanced settings is updated.
If the settings in Jira change, they should also be manually updated in eazyBI.
Private eazyBI
You can import the Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy also when using Private eazyBI. Add the following settings in the configuration file config/eazybi.toml
configuration file to enable Advanced Roadmaps data import.
Use Parent Link custom field ID instead of NNNNN and your Jira Server address instead of JIRA_HOME in the definition above. We recommend using unique site ID instead of site_uniqueID for each Jira site if you data from have multiple Jira sites imported in this Private eazyBI server.
[source_application.jira.site_uniqueID] url = "http://JIRA_HOME" [source_application.jira.portfolio] enable = true [source_application.jira.site_uniqueID.customfield_NNNNN] hierarchy_levels = [ {name = "Initiative", issue_type = ["Initiative", "Programm"]}, {name = "Feature", issue_type = "Feature"}, {name = "Epic", issue_type = ["Epic", "Improvement"]}, {name = "Parent"}, {name = "Sub-task"} ]
Read more on how to enable data import from Jira.
And don't forget that changing eazyBI.toml file requires restarting Private eazyBI instance.