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Jira Service Management custom fields
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Jira Service Management custom field import

If you use Jira Service Management (previously Jira Service Desk), then in Jira import custom field selection, you can select which Service Management SLA custom fields as well as other custom fields for import.

For each selected SLA, all dimensions and measures described below will be imported. Satisfaction and Satisfaction date can be imported in various ways creating a dimension, different measures, and properties. See below the detailed description of measures and properties created with the Satisfaction data.

In addition, you can also import the following additional Jira Service Management custom fields:

Request Type

Can be imported both as a dimension and as a property and shows the display name of the request type.

Request participants

Can be imported both as a dimension and as a property and shows the additional service request participants that are added to the issue.

OrganizationCan be imported both as a dimension and as a property and shows the organization of the issue.
ChannelCan be imported both as a dimension and as a property and shows the customer channel of the issue

Imported dimensions, measures, and properties

After data import, for each SLA metric, a separate set of dimensions and measures will be created. SLA corresponds to the name of the imported SLA metric:

SLA dimensions

SLA State

Shows SLA status: RunningPaused, or Completed. If the SLA is not applicable to the issue, then the value is (none).

SLA State is assigned to each SLA cycle of the issue. It shows the state of a current (ongoing) SLA cycle, or completed cycles. Some measures are imported for completed cycles only.

SLA Breached

Shows if the issue SLA cycle was or was not breached – Breached or Not breached (or (none) if not applicable).

SLA Breached is assigned to each SLA cycle of the issue, and, accordingly to used measure, shows if the current (ongoing) or last cycle is breached or not, or if the completed historical cycles are breached or not.

SLA measures

SLA Issues

SLA Issues measure shows the total number of issues with the corresponding SLA information.
Using this measure, issues are counted by their current or last SLA cycle.

Issues with an ongoing SLA cycle with SLA State Running or Paused is not assigned to any Time dimension period. 

SLA Elapsed hours

The measure SLA Elapsed hours shows the total amount of elapsed hours for all completed SLA cycles. The measure is assigned to the Time dimension period when the SLA cycle was completed.

SLA Completed cyclesThe measure SLA Completed cycles shows the total number of completed SLA cycles. The measure is assigned to the Time dimension period when the SLA cycle was completed.
SLA Completed cycles issue count

The measure SLA Completed cycles issue count shows the unique count of issues that correspond to SLA completed cycles (if one issue has several SLA completed cycles in the selected Time period, then it will be counted just once).

Average SLA Elapsed hours

The calculated measure Average SLA Elapsed Hours shows the average of elapsed hours for all completed SLA cycles (as SLA Elapsed hours divided by SLA Completed cycles).

SLA calculated measures

It is recommended to use the default calculated measures which are created for each imported SLA:

SLA calculated measures will be mapped in time by cycle completion date. Measures show correct results for Completed cycles only.

SLA - MetA number of issues that have not breached SLA (SLA Issues with the SLA Breached value Not breached).
SLA - BreachedA number of issues that have breached SLA (SLA Issues with the SLA Breached value Breached).
SLA - Met %Percentage of issues that have not breached SLA.
SLA - Breached %Percentage of issues that have breached SLA.

SLA - Average hours

Shows the average of elapsed hours for all completed SLA cycles (as SLA Elapsed hours divided by SLA Completed cycles).

Issue SLA properties

Issue SLA State

The property Issue SLA State shows the current SLA status for individual issues (detailed Issue dimension members) – Running, Paused, or Completed.

Issue SLA Breached

The property Issue SLA Breached shows the current SLA breached / not breached status for individual issues (detailed Issue dimension members) – Breached or Not breached (or empty if not applicable).

Issue SLA Due date

The property Issue SLA Due date shows the calculated SLA due date (when SLA will be broken) for individual issues (detailed Issue dimension members).

Issue SLA Elapsed hours

The property Issue SLA Elapsed hours for individual issues (detailed Issue dimension members) shows the detailed information of completed SLA cycles as a multiline string with comma-separated values – when the cycle was completed if it breached or didn't breach SLA, and the amount of elapsed hours for this cycle.

Issue Customer Request Type

The property Issue Customer Request Type shows the display name of the request type.

Issue Request participant  

The property Issue Request participants shows the additional service request participants that are added to the issue.

Satisfaction dimension, measures, and properties

Satisfaction dimension groups the issues by the satisfaction survey result values. The dimension members are the choices of the satisfaction survey. If the issues have not received the satisfaction result, those are grouped in the "(none)" member.

Satisfaction measures

Satisfaction resolved

The measure Satisfaction resolved shows the total satisfaction value of the resolved issues. The measure is mapped to the time dimension by the issue resolution date.

Satisfaction closed

The measure Satisfaction closed shows the total satisfaction value of the closed issues. The measure is mapped to the time dimension by the issue closing date.

Satisfaction with satisfaction dateThe measure Satisfaction with satisfaction date is created when the Satisfaction date is selected to import as a measure. This measure shows the total value of the satisfaction and is mapped to the time dimension by the satisfaction response date.
Issues with satisfaction dateThe measure Issues with satisfaction date is created when the Satisfaction date is selected to import as a measure. This measure shows the number of issues having the satisfaction response, and the number is mapped to the time dimension by the satisfaction response date.
Average Satisfaction with satisfaction dateThe measure Average Satisfaction with satisfaction date is created when the Satisfaction date is selected to import as a measure. This measure shows the average value of the satisfaction and is mapped to the time dimension by the satisfaction response date.

Satisfaction properties


The Satisfaction property shows the value of the satisfaction survey selected by the issue reporter at the issue resolution.

Satisfaction dateThe Satisfaction date property shows the date when the issue reporter selected the satisfaction survey value.

Reporting on current or historical SLA data

For one issue, there might be several SLA cycles in different states (some completed and one ongoing) having different breached / not breached results. 

If the reporting must be done by the issue latest or current SLA cycle results, then the SLA Issues measure should be used in the report together with SLA State or SLA Breached dimensions - then issues are counted by their current SLA status or whether the latest / current SLA cycle was or was not breached.

When measures SLA Elapsed hours, SLA Completed cycles, SLA Completed cycles issues count are used in the report, then they always are calculated from the issue all historical completed cycles  (as these measures are stored just for completed SLA cycles). Also, these measures will be assigned to the historical value in the Assignee dimension (who was the assignee of the issue when the corresponding SLA cycle was completed). The historical assignee will be assigned only if the Import issue change history import option is selected.

Sample reports

If you selected the Import sample reports option, additional sample reports are created in the Samples Jira Service Management folder. For each selected SLA, two sample reports are created, one report for customer satisfaction and one report on issue request types over time. Please try these reports to see which measures would suit your specific needs. If you want to customize some reports, save them and change the name (as the default sample reports are overwritten during each Jira import). See how they are created here.

You may also look at several reports in our eazyBI Demo account.