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Estimated and logged hours in version
eazyBI for Jira

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This report shows how many hours have been estimated and spent by version. Additionally, it shows how many hours are remaining per each version. In case hours have been logged more than originally estimated, the report shows remaining overestimated hours as well. 

How to build it

To build this report start with table view and in the Measures dimension select measures Hours spent, Remaining estimated hours and Original estimated hours don't forget to unselect default Issue created measure that we won't need in this report example.

  • "Hours spent" - a total of hours spent on issues matching the selected dimension members. 
  • "Remaining estimated hours" - total of current remaining estimated hours. Used with the Time dimension, grouped by issue due dates for unresolved issues and by resolution dates for resolved issues.
  • "Original estimated hours" - a total of original estimated hours. On the Time dimension grouped by issue creation dates.

In the report Rows, select the Fix version dimension and select "Version" level from "Status" hierarchy. Select Nonempty option for Rows. To eliminate fix versions that don't have any value for the measures, select Hide empty rows and columns.

Add the same Fix version dimension to Pages and select "Unreleased" versions to filter report data only for versions that haven't been released.

In Pages select also dimensions "Project", "Priority", "Issue type", "Assignee" for filtering the report. 

To show report data only for versions that have estimated time, filter table by "Original estimated hours" measure (> 0). With the drag and drop option check that your table has measures in this order: "Hours spent", "Remaining estimated hours" and "Original estimated hours" as measures in the chart are displayed in the same order as in the table.

Then switch to the Bar tab and select in the toolbox option Stacked to show a composition of measures by version. To measure "Original estimated hours" change the chart type to scatter and add a data label to it. 

Apply conditional chart formatting custom formula for measure "Remaining estimated hours". Use this formula in the custom formula to show if the estimates are correct or overestimated:

[Measures].[Remaining estimated hours] +
[Measures].[Hours spent] -
[Measures].[Original estimated hours]

Select a minimal value of 0.1 for the range option and color red to color versions that are overestimated. 

See also