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eazyBI for Jira Server Security Statement
eazyBI for Jira

Please see eazyBI for Jira Cloud Security Statement instead of this page if you are using Jira Cloud


eazyBI for Jira Server is a Jira Server add-on which:

  • is installed on the Jira Server or Jira Data Center;
  • imports data from Jira using Java API or from other specified data sources;
  • stores the data in the eazyBI database;
  • provides reports, charts, and dashboards from imported data in the eazyBI database.

eazyBI for Jira Server stores all data on customer servers and does not use any externally hosted services.

Stored Jira data

eazyBI for Jira Server is using Jira Java API to import issue data from selected projects. eazyBI is storing just the dimension and measure data which are visible in Analyze tab Issue cube in its own database – issue key, issue summary, project, component, issue type, status, priority, resolution, fix and affects versions, reporter, assignee, label, security level, issue created, due and resolved dates, original and remaining estimated hours, hours logged by the user. In addition, selected custom fields are stored and issue status transitions history (if selected in import options). eazyBI does not store detailed issue descriptions, comments, and attachments.

In addition, additional data can be imported from other data sources using REST API or SQL.

Data protection

  • eazyBI is hosted in the customer's infrastructure and the customer is responsible for data protection controls including but not limited to: data backup and recovery, user accesses and roles administration and maintaining the security of them.
  • Each eazyBI account imported data are stored in a separate database schema and are isolated from data in other eazyBI accounts.
  • Each incoming web request is authenticated and authorized before access to the corresponding account data is allowed.
  • eazyBI keeps logs of all web requests allowing to trace all activities of the users in eazyBI. Log files are stored in the log directory of the Jira server.

People and Access

eazyBI is responsible for providing support to eazyBI customers. The eazyBI support team might request customer's log files or some specific limited application data only for purposes of problem troubleshooting or help with eazyBI administration and usage.


For more information please see our Privacy Policy.

Effective as of October 25, 2017.