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Export to PDF
eazyBI for Jira eazyBI for Confluence

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If you would like to export reports or dashboard pages to PDF, or if you would like to send regular emails with dashboards as PDF attachments, then you need to install the headless Google Chrome browser on your Jira Server or on all nodes in Jira Data Center.
See the alternative for Windows below). eazyBI will use Google Chrome on the server to convert eazyBI web pages to PDF files.

Install Microsoft's Core Fonts

To get the best looking PDF export, eazyBI needs mscorefonts package.


Install the mscorefonts package on your server. Here is an example of how to do it on Ubuntu and RedHat.


The mscorefonts package is available in the main repository:

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer


The mscorefonts package should be installed from its home page as described there.

Please run the following commands if mscorefonts package homepage instructions failed:

yum install curl xorg-x11-font-utils fontconfig
rpm -i
rpm -i


#Installing mstt fonts
sudo zypper install msttcore-fonts 

Install Google Chrome on the server


Install the google-chrome-stable package on your server. Here are examples of how to do it on Ubuntu and RedHat.

For Google Chrome, there could be additional package dependencies needed to be installed.


Install from the Google Chrome repository.

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo 'deb [arch=amd64] stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable


Enable Google YUM repository:

cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo
name=google-chrome - \$basearch

Install the package:

yum install google-chrome-stable


#Installing chrome
sudo zypper addrepo Google-Chrome
sudo zypper refresh
sudo rpm --import
# There could be an error about missing dependency libvulkan, proceed installation without it.
sudo zypper install --no-confirm google-chrome-stable


Download and install Google Chrome for Windows. Please ensure that you have version 62 or later.

As an alternative on the Windows server, the Microsoft Edge 79 (or newer, see can be used instead of Google Chrome. In such a case specify the location of the msedge.exe file as described in the troubleshooting section below.


If you have your local Jira Server on macOS then also just download and install the Google Chrome for macOS. Please ensure that you have version 62 or later.

Restart eazyBI

After you have installed Google Chrome please disable and re-enable eazyBI app from Jira Administration / Manage Add-ons.

During the startup, eazyBI will detect installed Google Chrome and will start to use it for PDF exports. Please visit any dashboard page and try to export it to PDF.


If you see an error message "Google Chrome is not found on the server" then you can try to specify the path to it manually via advanced settings:

location = '/usr/bin/google-chrome'

If you have any problems with PDF export after Google Chrome is installed then check:

  • System Administration / System Events page and see if you have any errors there.
  • Check eazybi-web.log file from the Troubleshooting page.

Please download eazyBI log files from the Troubleshooting page and send them to eazyBI support if you need help with solving PDF export problems.

If you see an error message Unable to connect [localhost:9250] then it probably means that Google Chrome failed to start.

  • It could fail to start if you are trying to start the process using user root, try to use a different user.
  • It could fail to start if you are using docker, then you can override the default security profile with  --security-opt seccomp=unconfined please check Docker docs for more information on security profiles.