Returns the minium value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
Before you create the calculated measure with the average function check if you could use standard functionality to add statistical calculations.
Min( Set_Expression , Numeric_Expression )
Set_Expression | MDX expression that returns set. |
Numeric_Expression | MDX expression that returns a number. |
Number | Min value of Numeric_expression over set |
The following example calculates the minimum time in days for unresolved issues from the last status change till today.
The formula pulls in a set of unresolved issues only and for this set will look for unresolved relevant to report selections and will calculate days for those issues from status updated date till now.
Min( Filter( Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]), -- for unresolved issues only isEmpty([Measures].[Issue resolution date]) AND -- show on time for issue creation date DateInPeriod( [Measures].[Issue created date], [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember) ), -- calculate days in current status for each relevant issue CASE WHEN -- check if issue is relevant for the report [Measures].[Issues created] > 0 THEN -- calculated days in status DateDiffDays([Measures].[Issue status updated date], Now()) END )
Example 2
The following example finds the min amount of resolved issues in the last 52 weeks.
Min( {[Time.Weekly].[Week].CurrentDateMember.Lag(52): [Time.Weekly].[Week].CurrentDateMember.PrevMember}, CoalesceEmpty( ([Measures].[Issues resolved],[Time].DefaultMember), 0) )
See also
- Description of aggregate functions
- Function CASE WHEN
- Function Max and Avg
- Function DatediffDays
- Function IsEmpty and CoaleceEmpty
- Function Descendants
- Function Filter