Zephyr Squad Test Management for Jira
eazyBI for Jira
Zephyr Squad - Test Management for Jira provides a full-featured and sophisticated test management solution all inside Jira.
Zephyr Squad for Jira and Jira Cloud is an app developed by SmartBear.
On this page:
Data Import
This documentation page describes the latest eazyBI for Jira Server version and eazyBI for Jira Cloud.
Data Import in Server version
If you have installed Zephyr Squad - Test Management for Jira Server then in Jira import options section Add-ons you will see an option Zephyr Squad. In the section select the checkbox and after the next data import, Zephyr Squad specific measures and dimensions will be available for your reports.
Data Import in Cloud version
eazyBI uses API keys to get data from Zephyr Squad Cloud.
- In Zephyr for Jira Cloud, go to section Integrations -> API Keys and generate Zephyr Squad API keys (Secret Key and Access Key). It is essential to generate keys with the same user that will be used for data import in eazyBI. Please see Zephyr Squad documentation for more information on Zephyr Squad API keys.
- In eazyBI, Jira import options section Add-ons you will see an option Zephyr Squad which is available when you have installed Zephyr Squad app for Jira Cloud. Enter generated API keys in fields API Access Key and API Secret Key.
After the next data import, Zephyr Squad specific measures and dimensions will be available for your reports.
Limit imported test executions
Option to limit imported testing data is available on Cloud and since eazyBI version 6.2.
To reduce import time and the testing data in the cube, you can import only the most recent test executions.
Set a relative time limit for test executions like 5 months
to import tests execution from the last three months or a particular date like Jun 14 2020
to set a date range from that date until now. Test executions are imported if they are created (test is added to the cycle) within the time limit (for scheduled test executions) or with execution date within the time limit (for executed or in progress test executions). If there is no limit set, then all test executions are imported.
You can set a limit to all eazyBI accounts through advanced settings.
# parameter name for eazyBI version 6.2 and 6.3 [jira.zephyr] test_executions_limit = "5 months"
Since eazyBI version 6.4, the parameter name is changed to jira.zephyr_squad.
# parameter name starting eazyBI version 6.4 [jira.zephyr_squad] test_executions_limit = "5 months"
Another option is setting the limit for an individual eazyBI account. In the import options, add the period in the field "Imported Test Execution limit".
If there are import limits applied for the whole eazyBI instance using advanced setting, then the limit in import options won't exceed the limit in advanced settings. In such a way, the overall limits can be set on the eazyBI account, and, in an individual account, this time can be reduced more.
Zephyr Squad tests are issues with a specific type "Test". To represent tests in reports, use Issue dimension.
After the import, the following Zephyr Squad specific dimension will be added:
Zephyr Squad Test Cycle | All test cycles will be shown in this dimension and organized in Project, Version, and Cycle levels. If there are any ad-hoc tests, then (ad hoc) cycle will be shown for the corresponding projects and versions. |
Zephyr Squad Test Executed by | Users who executed tests. |
Zephyr Squad Test Status | Test execution status – by default, there are UNEXECUTED, PASS, FAIL, WIP, and BLOCKED statuses, but, in addition, there can be other user-defined statuses. |
Zephyr Squad Defect | Defect issues added during testing. The dimension is organized in Project and Defect levels. |
Zephyr Squad Requirement | Requirements linked to test issues. In the dimension are imported on ly those issues that are linked to at least one test issue with the link specified in the Zephyr Squad app configuration in Jira. The dimension is organized in Project and Requirement levels. Dimension is not available for Jira Cloud version. |
Zephyr Squad Test Assignee | User who is assigned to a test execution. |
Zephyr Squad specific measures can be analyzed by the Zephyr Squad specific dimensions as well as by Issue dimension (where individual tests executions are registered as issues with type "Test") and by other standard dimension members which correspond to the issue with type "Test".
Zephyr Squad Tests created | How many test cases are created. Count of issues with type "Test". Used together with Fix Version dimension, relates to fix version assigned to a Test. On a timeline related to a test creation date. The measure Zephyr Squad Tests created is not related to the test execution dimensions, Zephyr Test Cycle, Zephyr Test Executed by, Zephyr Test Status, Zephyr Defect, Zephyr Test Assignee. To analyze test relation to test cycles and execution results, use execution related measures, like, Zephyr Squad Tests with executions, instead. |
Zephyr Squad Tests scheduled | How many tests are scheduled within selected dimensions but not yet executed. If a test is scheduled for several test cycles, then eazyBI count it for each test cycle. Used together with Zephyr Squad Test Status dimension, relates to status UNEXECUTED. Used together with Fix Version dimension, represents scheduled tests of test cycles for selected fix version. On a timeline related to the date when a test added to a test cycle. |
Zephyr Squad Tests executed | How many tests are executed within selected dimensions. If a test is executed in several test cycles, then eazyBI counts it for each test cycle. Used together with Zephyr Squad Test Status dimension, relates to all statuses except UNEXECUTED. Used together with Fix Version dimension, represents executed tests of test cycles for selected fix version. On a timeline related to a test execution date. |
Zephyr Squad Tests defect count | Linked defect count for each test executions. Includes duplication defects, if defect is linked to the several test executions. Used together with Fix Version dimension, represents defect count by a version of a test cycle. |
Zephyr Squad Test steps | How many test steps are in tests assigned for test cycle. Used together with Fix Version dimension, represents test steps by a version of a test cycle. Used together with Zephyr Squad Test Status dimension, represents test step count by the execution status of a test, not steps. The measure is not available for Jira Cloud version. |
Zephyr Squad Tests with executions | How many tests have at least one test execution (scheduled, in progress or completed). If a tests has several test executions, then eazyBI count it as one test. Used together with Fix Version dimension, represents count of tests by version of test cycle. On a timeline related to the end date of test cycle (scheduled test executions) or test execution date (completed and in progress test executions). |
Zephyr Squad Test Execution count | How many times tests have been executed, are executing or scheduled for test cycle. |
Also following Zephyr Squad specific properties will be created.
Zephyr Squad Test last executed date | Last execution date for a test issue. This is an issue property and should be used together with Issue dimension. Value does not change according to selected Test Cycle or other dimensions. |
Zephyr Squad Test last executed by | Last executor for a test issue. This is an issue property and should be used together with Issue dimension. Value does not change according to selected Test Cycle or other dimensions. |
Zephyr Squad Test last execution status | Last execution status for a test issue. This is an issue property and should be used together with Issue dimension. Value does not change according to selected Test Cycle or other dimensions. |
Zephyr Squad Requirement status | Current status of the requirement issue. This is a requirement property and should be used together with Zephyr Squad Requirement dimension. Property is not available for Jira Cloud version. |
Zephyr Squad Defect status | Current status of the defect issue. This is a defect property and should be used together with Zephyr Squad Defect dimension. |
Zephyr Squad Defect created | Date and time when defect issue is created. This is a defect property and should be used together with Zephyr Squad Defect dimension. |
Zephyr Squad Defect assignee | User who is assigned to a defect issue. This is a defect property and should be used together with Zephyr Squad Defect dimension. |
Zephyr Squad Test Cycle description | Description of a Zephyr Squad test cycle. This is a test cycle property and should be used together with Zephyr Squad Test Cycle dimension. |
Zephyr Squad Test Cycle build | Build of a Zephyr Squad test cycle. This is a test cycle property and should be used together with Zephyr Squad Test Cycle dimension. |
Zephyr Squad Test Cycle environment | Environment of a Zephyr Squad test cycle. This is a test cycle property and should be used together with Zephyr Squad Test Cycle dimension. |
Zephyr Squad Test Cycle start date | Planned start date for a Zephyr Squad test cycle. This is a test cycle property and should be used together with Zephyr Squad Test Cycle dimension. |
Zephyr Squad Test Cycle end date | Planned end date for a Zephyr Squad test cycle. This is a test cycle property and should be used together with Zephyr Squad Test Cycle dimension. |
Zephyr Squad Test Cycle created by | User who created a Zephyr Squad test cycle. This is a test cycle property and should be used together with Zephyr Squad Test Cycle dimension. |
Issue properties
Zephyr Squad tests as well as requirements and defects are Jira issues and also represented in Issue dimension. You can define a calculated measure to get any issue property that is imported in eazyBI also for Zephyr Squad specific dimensions. To access issue property use function get().
For example, to get priority for Zephyr Squad Requirement, copy a formula of issue property Issue Priority and replace dimension name [Issue] with [Zephyr Squad Requirement] like this:
[Priority].[Priority].getMemberNameByKey( [Zephyr Squad Requirement].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('Priority ID') )
Sample reports
If you selected the Import sample reports option, then additional sample reports are created in the Samples Zephyr Squad folder. Please try these reports to see which measures would be useful for your specific needs. If you want to customize some reports, save them and change the name (as the default sample reports are overwritten during each Jira import).
See also detailed description on how to build non-standard report: Zephyr Squad requirement coverage matrix
Private eazyBI
You can import Zephyr Squad custom fields also when using Private eazyBI. Add the following settings in the configuration file config/eazybi.toml
configuration file to enable Zephyr Squad data import. There are more details on the needed configuration for data from Jira apps.