Issue link field dimensions
eazyBI for Jira
This page describes advanced JIRA and eazyBI integration. If you need help with this please contact eazyBI support.
On this page:
Jira Software, Advanced Roadmaps, issue linking provides an option to build issue hierarchies in Jira and import new hierarchies into eazybi. Different fields could be managed on different hierarchy levels. This section describes an option to analyze data of lower levels, for example, time tracking, story points on stories, sub-tasks by fields on higher levels issues, for example, Epic Fix version. The same option could be used for single linked issue field analysis.
eazyBI supports building new dimensions for some Jira default fields (Fix Version, Label, Status, Resolution, Issue Type, Priority) of linked issues, for example, Epic Fix version, Feature Label, etc.
For other default fields or single select custom fields (select list), you would like to use a custom solution with calculated JavaScript custom fields (see the example "Inherited field dimension").
If you would like to import a linked field dimension into eazyBI, you need to add the definition of this linked field dimension to advanced settings for custom fields.
At first, you need to give a name for this linked issue dimension, for example:
[[jira.issue_link_field_dimensions]] name = "Epic Fix version"
Then specify which Jira default field should be used, for example:
source_dimension = "Fix Version"
Now, you should set the reference to linked issue custom field
You can use ID column for default field Epic:
issue_id_column = "epic_id"
or key columns for any other custom field describing hierarchy level or one linked issue, for example, if you have custom field_feature with one linked Feature issue, you can use a reference to it:
issue_key_column = "customfield_feature"
Here are other options for issue_key_column
values using other default hierarchies:
issue_key_column = "subtask_parent_key"
if you would like to get values from parent issues to sub-tasksissue_key_column = "jpoh_parent_X"
if you are using the Advanced roadmaps hierarchy and would like to get values in this hierarchy. Use a parent level number 1,2,3,.. instead of X counting parent levels on top of sub_tasks. 1 for story/standard issue level (jpoh_parent_1), 2 for epic level (jpoh_parent_2), 3 ...
then you can set a group in dimension selection:
group = "Linked issue dimensions"
Linked dimensions import and usage
After you have saved the advanced settings with the linked field dimension definition, then go to the Source Data tab and see if you have this dimension in the list of available linked dimensions in Additional options tab.
Select the dimensions you need for data analysis for import in each account.
eazyBI builds link field dimensions with the same structure as default dimensions. They will have the same hierarchies and member structure as default dimensions. eazyBI supports access to the same set of properties as default ones as well.
[Epic Fix Version].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Start date')
The example formula above retrieves the release start date for Epic Fix version dimension members.
Epic Fix version
[[jira.issue_link_field_dimensions]] name = "Epic Fix Version" source_dimension = "Fix Version" issue_id_column = "epic_id" group = "Linked issue dimensions"
The example above describes how to analyze stories and sub-tasks based on the Epic Fix version. source_dimension
in this case, is Fix Version, and you can use the reserved ID field epic_id in issue_id_column
Epic Status
[[jira.issue_link_field_dimensions]] name = "Epic Status" source_dimension = "Status" issue_id_column = "epic_id" group = "Linked issue dimensions"
The example above describes how to analyze stories and sub-tasks based on Epic Status. In this case, source_dimension
is Status dimension, and you can use the reserved ID field epic_id in issue_id_column
. This definition is similar to the Epic Fix version, but the Status dimension is used instead of the Fix Version.
Epic Label
[[jira.issue_link_field_dimensions]] name = "Epic Label" source_dimension = "Label" issue_id_column = "epic_id" group = "Linked issue dimensions"
The example above describes how to analyze stories and sub-tasks based on Epic Label. In this case, source_dimension
is Label dimension, and you can use the reserved ID field epic_id in issue_id_column
. This definition is similar to the Epic Fix version and Epic Status examples above.
Parent Status
[[jira.issue_link_field_dimensions]] name = "Parent Status" source_dimension = "Status" issue_id_column = "subtask_parent_id" group = "Linked issue dimensions"
The example above describes how to analyze sub-tasks based on parent issue's status. In this case, source_dimension
is a Status dimension, and you can use the reserved ID field subtask_parent_id in issue_id_column
. This definition is similar to the Epic Status, but this time the value is copied not from the epic, but from the parent issue of a sub-task
Parent Fix version
[[jira.issue_link_field_dimensions]] name = "Parent Fix Version" source_dimension = "Fix Version" issue_id_column = "subtask_parent_id" group = "Linked issue dimensions"
Similar to how stories are analyzed based on the Epic Fix version, it can be done based on the Parent Fix version. In this case, use subtask_parent_id
as issue_id_column
Initiative Status
This example would work for Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy. Here we assume that Initiative is one level above Epic in the hierarchy.
[[jira.issue_link_field_dimensions]] name = "Initiative Status" source_dimension = "Status" issue_key_column = "jpoh_parent_3" group = "Linked issue dimensions"
See the chapter on the configuration above on how to use the right issue_key_column configuration here for Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy levels that you want to copy status values from to all levels below.
Feature Label
If you have a linked Feature grouping your Epics, you can define it with Issue link import and then create a new dimension Feature Label enabling data analysis by Feature Labels in Epics, Stories, Sub-tasks:
[jira.customfield_feature] name = "Feature" inward_link = "is child of" issue_type = "Feature" update_from_issue_key = "epic_key" [[jira.issue_link_field_dimensions]] name = "Feature Label" source_dimension = "Label" issue_key_column = "customfield_feature" group = "Linked issue dimensions"
The first definition describes the issue link Feature. Then you can use the Feature custom field in issue_key_column
as a reference and specify the field Label as source_dimension