All eazyBI for Jira eazyBI for Confluence Private eazyBI

Jira app or eazyBI Private for Jira?
Private eazyBI

Among other integrations, Jira integration is also available for Private eazyBI.

Still, if Jira is your main or primary data source, we recommend using the eazyBI Jira app from Atlassian Marketplace. While the functionality for Private eazyBI and the Jira app is similar, the integration with Jira is smoother and requires less configuration when using the Jira app. The main differences are described below.

eazyBI Jira appPrivate eazyBI Jira integration
User managementThe user management is linked to the Jira users (All Jira users have access and can use eazyBI). You can assign a specific set of Jira users or user groups to a specific eazyBI account/s in your eazyBI for Jira app.

Has three plans: 10, 20, and Unlimited user plans. 

Private eazyBI user authentication is not integrated with Jira users and groups, you will need to maintain separate Private eazyBI users.

Application processRuns inside the same Jira JVM process and shares the same JVM process resources (CPU and Java heap memory). It is possible to launch a separate eazyBI child process where report queries are executed and this will minimize the impact on the main Jira JVM process.It runs as a standalone app/process and can be run on the same server as Jira, or on a different server.
Data importUses Jira Java API to import Jira issues (for Jira Server / Data Center) or Jira REST API (for Jira Cloud).Uses Jira REST API to import Jira issues.
Some Jira custom fields might not expose all the necessary information in Jira REST API results. Large Jira data import using REST API is also slower than import using Jira Java API.
Jira custom field importeazyBI automatically recognizes Jira standard custom field types from several Jira applications and apps. Additional fields can be added through advanced settings

Jira standard custom field types are recognized automatically.

Data import from apps is limited: not all apps are supported, or additional configuration in eazyBI toml file might be needed. See the table below.

Data sources

Allows data import from the Jira instance where the add-on is installed as well as you will be able to import data from other sources like SQL, REST API, files, etc.

It has no data source limitations – you can import data from one or many Jira instances if needed. There is a limitation: only data from one Jira instance can be imported into an account!
Sharing and embedding reports

With the eazyBI app for Jira, reports and dashboards can be embedded in Jira dashboards as gadgets and Confluence pages as macros. These reports have additional and useful preferences and are instantly and easily accessible to Jira users according to specified access rights.

Using public access tokens, it is also possible to share your reports outside your Jira user base (to non-Jira users).

Embedding reports in Jira dashboards and Confluence pages is not supported.

Public access tokens are available only in the Private Unlimited plan.

CustomizationsIt is possible to customize locales/languages and customize the layout, interface colors, and chart palette colorsYou can customize locales, user interface, database schemas, and even add additional chart types or data sources (requires Ruby programming).

Data import from Jira apps is limited. Below is the list of Jira apps integrating with eazyBI for Jira app and how they are supported in Private eazyBI. 

AppImport in eazyBI Private
Advanced Roadmaps custom fieldsMust be enabled in eazyBI toml file
DevOps data import
Elements ConnectSupported
AssetsNot supported
Jira calculated and scripted custom fieldsSupported; advanced settings for some data types should be added in the eazyBI toml file
Projectrak custom fieldsMust be enabled in eazyBI toml file
Xray Test ManagementMust be enabled in eazyBI toml file
Zephyr Scale Test Management for JiraMust be enabled in eazyBI toml file
Zephyr Squad Test Management for JiraMust be enabled in eazyBI toml file