Learn eazyBI through Sample reports
eazyBI for Jira
Sample reports are created automatically if this option is selected in Data import. This will add a set of reports created by eazyBI and will enable to have a first look at your data in eazyBI. Imported Sample reports depend on which apps you have in your Jira.
Description in the below reports contains:
- an overview of a report,
- detailed step-by-step guide on how to recreate those reports to understand how they are built, how to re-use features in them, and how to transform them if needed,
- as well as related documentation that could be useful for a particular report.
Samples Jira Issues
- Average resolution time and trend (Lead time)
- Average time in status (Cycle time)
- Created issues over time by current status
- Created vs resolved issues over time
- Cumulative flow diagram
- Total resolved issues from created
- Unresolved issues by age interval and priority
- Unresolved issues by assignee and status
- Unresolved issues by component and priority
- Unresolved issues by statuses over time
- Version progress %
Samples Time Tracking
- Estimated and logged hours in version
- Logged hours by project and user over last weeks
- Logged hours by user in current week
- Logged hours by team and user over last weeks
- Planned hours vs hours spent for user in version
- Planned hours vs hours spent in version over time
- Required vs planned hours for user over time
Samples Jira Software
- Sprint issues by status category at sprint end
- Sprint report
- Sprint Story Points burn-down
- Sprint velocity chart
- Story Points balance by sprints
Samples DevOps reports and dashboard
- Deployment Frequency
- Build Frequency
- Build failure Rate %
- Incidents raised vs resolved
- Release overview
- Average mean time
- Average change lead time
- Average change lead time detailed
- Pull requests overview
Samples Cycle Time
- In Progress cycle
- Progress cycle days
- Work in Progress and resolution overview
- Issues <Cycle Name> started vs ended over time
- Days in cycles
- Issues in cycles