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Site settings for Cloud
eazyBI for Jira eazyBI for Confluence

Use eazyBI settings to enable usage statistics and add a few additional features for eazyBI on your Jira or Confluence Cloud site.

Settings are divided into two tabs - General settings and Advanced settings

eazyBI settings are available only to Jira or Confluence administrators.

Don't forget to click "Update settings" at the bottom of the page to apply for changes.

General settings

There are three features you can enable/disable for the general settings configuration:

  • Usage statistics - disabled by default. You may enable it to create a usage statistics account with the next eazyBI scheduled import and analyze eazyBI usage from different viewpoints. Explore more about usage statistics
  • Template accounts - enabled by default. Use template accounts to create template reports for other eazyBI accounts. 
  • Support access -  enabled by default so the support team can access customer's reports on the eazyBI cloud and assist according to the security statement. You may disable it if you or your company policies disapprove of this access. If disabled, provided support efficiency might be limited.

Advanced settings

Use advanced settings in eazyBI for your Jira Cloud site to add or change certain features which would let you benefit from eazyBI.

Change default language

The default language for the eazyBI user interface (UI) is English. However, we support other languages as well. Dimension names and measure names remain in English for all users and the language for them can not be changed.

Each user can select the preferred language in eazyBI from the list of available languages.

By default, there are four languages to choose from – English (en), German (de), French (fr), Latvian (lv)

In eazyBI advanced settings, you can override the default settings and specify the default language, and restrict supported languages. 

For example, set French as the default language and allow users to switch between English and French, eliminating other supported languages (German, Latvian):

default_locale = "fr"
available_locales = ["en", "fr"]

Currently, more languages (besides four default languages) are not supported on eazyBI for the Jira Cloud app and cloud subscription accounts.

Define new custom fields for import

See the Advanced settings for custom fields page with a description of all advanced settings for custom fields.

Increase query timeout

By default, there is 60 seconds query timeout after which report-generated queries will be canceled. The purpose of this timeout is to avoid too-long execution of too complex ad-hoc queries (when you join too many dimensions in rows or columns).

If you have reports that fail the query timeout error and you need help optimizing these reports, then please export and send the report definition to eazyBI support.

If you still would like to increase this timeout value, then add the following to the advanced settings text area field:

queryTimeout = 120

In this example, the query timeout will be increased to 120 seconds. In eazyBI for Jira Cloud, you can increase the query timeout to a maximum of 180 seconds.

Enable database migrator

You can enable the database migrator to migrate eazyBI accounts from one Jira or Confluence Cloud site to another.

Disable Confluence task import

If you do not wish to analyze Confluence tasks or they fail during import, and you wish to disable the task import until the root cause is resolved, you can do this with the following advanced setting:

import_page_tasks = false

After applying the setting, make sure to re-import all data.

Enable additional source applications

You can enable additional source application import from Google SheetsHarvestFreshBooks, Freshdesk, and data sources. After defining them in advanced settings, these source applications will be available in the Source Data tab when adding a new source application.

Add the following advanced settings and list the additional application types, for example:

application_types = [
 "harvest", "highrise", "zendesk", "freshdesk", "monday"

REST API additional source application is available by default, but you can change default configuration parameters through advanced settings.

If the REST API needs longer to return the result, you can change the default timeout parameter from 60 seconds to, e.g., 120 seconds:

api_timeout_in_seconds = 120

Enable Comic Style charts

If you want to enable users to switch to funny comic-style charts then enable them with:

enable = true
# If needed, uncomment to make it default for all users.
# default = true